Mitral valve repair in moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation


Up to 50% of acute myocardial infarctions are associated to mitral regurgitation of some degree and 10% of these cases present, at least, moderate regurgitation. Ischemic mitral regurgitation is associated to an increase of mortality and morbidity. For surgical patients with moderate regurgitation, the benefits mitral valve repair remain unclear. 

301 patients were randomized to CABG vs. CABG and mitral valve repair. Mitral valve repair was associated longer bypass time, longer hospital stay after surgery and more neurologic events, and did not result in a reduction of events at one year follow up.


In patients with moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation, the addition of mitral-valve repair to CABG did not result in a higher degree of left ventricular reverse remodeling.

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Robert E. Michler

Original title: The Surgical Treatment of Moderate Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: A Randomized Clinical Trial From The Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network.

