The Most Read Scientific Articles of February

01- Alternatives for Patients Allergic to Aspirin

The new guidelines of chronic coronary syndromes make class IIb recommendations to use prasugrel or ticagrelor in aspirin-intolerant patients. This is not meant to replace dual antiaggregation therapy in aspirin intolerant patients, when needed; it is just a recommendation to use monotherapy with the most potent antiaggregant we count on at present. 

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02- Is There a “Safe” Dose for Meat Consumption?

Meat consumption is associated with a small but significant increase in cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. The dose-response relationship was clear, and no meat “dose” was safe.

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03- Onyx ONE: More Options for Patients at High Risk for Bleeding

Since November 2015, when the LEADERS FREE was published in NEJM, polymer-free drug coated stents had undoubtedly been the best treatment for patients at high risk of bleeding. The benefit was owed to the safety and efficacy of the polymer-free biolimus coated stent (also called umirolimus) vs. bare metal stents in the context of just one moth of dual antiplatelet therapy. 

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04- New European Guidelines on the Management of Lower Limb Acute Ischemia

Clinical practice guidelines are usually tedious and, frankly, while a lot of people make an enormous effort to write them, they are ultimately read in full by just a few.

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05- Felling Reassured with Paclitaxel Coated Devices in Peripheral Artery Disease

This big analysis shows rapid absorption of paclitaxel coated devices for PCI in femoropopliteal territory, which reassures us about its alleged association to increased mortality. In fact, survival, amputation-free survival and cardiovascular events rate resulted better with paclitaxel coated devices in the treatment of chronic limb ischemia. 

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06- Chronic Coronary Syndromes Nowadays

Multiple drugs and treatment strategies have emerged in recent years to change significantly the prognosis of patients who suffer from stable chronic angina or, in terms of the latest guidelines, “chronic coronary syndromes.” This semantic change may seem of little importance, but it is intended to remind us that these are not stable patients, but patients whose progress presents stable phases and acute phases.

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07- Repeat Revascularization Is Not Benign, at Least in Left Main Disease

After the “EXCEL scandal” at the end of last year, study investigators have been publishing explanations and sub-studies that were planned from the beginning, but which can still be interpreted as explanations.

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08- Routine Continuous Monitoring After Angioplasty Might Not Be Necessary

According to a recent study published in Circ. Cardiovasc Interv, after a scheduled angioplasty, the rate of arrhythmia requiring some kind of treatment is very low, low enough to deem unnecessary the routine monitoring of all patients.

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