cerebral protection

SENTINEL: Protección cerebral en TAVI

Cerebral Protection Devices during TAVR in the Daily Practice

The theory behind the use of cerebral protection devices during TAVR is good, but hard to test. The daily practice provides a far bigger number of patients, and therefore might be able to better show how to prevent one of the hardest events during TAVR.  This study resorted to Germany’s TAVR database between 2015 and...

TCT 2020 | Eficacia del dispositivo de protección cerebral TriGUARD 3 durante el TAVI

TCT 2020 | Efficacy of Cerebral Protection Device TriGUARD 3 During TAVR

Cerebral protection device TriGUARD 3, designed to cover all supra-aortic vessels during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), is safe to use, according to the outcomes of the REFLECT II study. The technical feasibility of the device, which requires transfemoral access, does not seem to have an impact over clinical events. The primary safety endpoint was a VARC-2-defined...


EuroPCR 2018 | Meta-Analyzis on Cerebral Protection Devices during TAVR

The risk of stroke is inherent to TAVR and, apart from clinically manifest events, there is abundant evidence of cerebral embolic lesions during TAVR provided by studies using diffusion weighted MRI or transcranial doppler ultrasound. Several devices have been developed to reduce the risk of stroke, though they have been assessed by relatively small trials...

Es un hecho: la protección cerebral en TAVI logró demostrar que reduce el stroke y la muerte

It Is a Fact: Cerebral Protection in TAVR Has Proved to Reduce Stroke and Death

Cerebral ischemic events after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) have been identified as independent predictors of morbidity and mortality. New-generation devices have managed to partially reduce the rate of cerebral events, but it still is around 5.5% at 30 days for patients undergoing TAVR through transfemoral access. First data on cerebral protection devices had only shown...

SENTINEL: Protección cerebral en TAVI

SENTINEL study: cerebral protection during TAVR

Neurological complications during and after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) are probably the only event whose incidence has not been reduced by new valve designs (as opposed to paravalvular leak, vascular complications, or need for pacemaker implantation).   Aside from the potential seriousness of this clinical event, the risk of embolism is particularly worrisome because,...

La protección cerebral en TAVI continúa con evidencia débil pero con esperanzas

Cerebral protection during TAVI still offers weak evidence, but there is hope

Silent ischemic embolic lesions are common after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The use of cerebral protection devices might reduce the occurrence of these embolic lesions. Multiple studies with different devices, designs, and outcomes challenge the usefulness of cerebral protection during TAVI.   A comprehensive analysis of the literature was necessary to obtain a more...


Cerebral Protection in TAVR: Does It Improve Cognitive Function?

Neurological complications during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) may be reduced with cerebral protection devices; this study was designed to explore that hypothesis.   The study enrolled 363 patients undergoing TAVR in 19 sites and divided them in three arms: a safety arm (n = 123), a device imaging arm (n = 121), and a non-device imaging arm (n = 119).   The...

protección cerebral en TAVR

Cerebral Protection in TAVR: Studies Presented at London Valves

SENTINEL One of the new devices assessed at London Valves was Sentinel, which is made up of two independent filters. The larger filter is deployed in the brachiocephalic trunk, and the smaller filter is deployed in the left common carotid artery. The study included 22 patients and the device was deployed successfully in 20 of them...

CLEAN-TAVI: transcatheter aortic valve replacement with cerebral protection

The stroke is a leading complication of post transcatheter aortic valve implantation increasing up to 3 times the mortality of these patients. In the works performed neuroimaging new post, TAVR defects were observed in two-thirds of patients and this increases the risk of post clinical stroke.  There is a missing data in the literature of...
