Erectile dysfunction is associated to cardiovascular disease

The risk of future cardiovascular disease and death increases with the severity of erectile dysfunction in men with and without a history of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in ‘Plos Medicine’. Severe erectile dysfunction directly correlates with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and hospitalization for all cause mortality.

Men with no known history of cardiovascular disease that present serious rates of erectile dysfunction compared to men presenting no such rates saw a 35% increase of hospitalization risk for cardiovascular disease and a 93 % of all cause mortality risk. 

These results call for the need to acknowledge erectile dysfunction is associated with a large array of cardiovascular diseases. It also draws attention to the fact that it is highly unlikely erectile dysfunction causes cardiovascular disease; what happens is that they both have similar etiology, such as arteriosclerosis, which indicates erectile dysfunction could serve as a useful marker to identify men that should undergo additional testing to assess their risk to develop a cardiovascular condition. 



