Patients articles

Aortic stenosis, patient guide

Aortic valve stenosis occurs when calcium deposits in the valve cause leaflets hardening. It is a degenerative process that gets worse as the person ages. As the disease develops, valve opening is narrowed, obstructing blood flow and forcing the heart to pump harder.  Aortic valve replacement is the standard treatment for severe aortic stenosis. Without

Warning against cardiovascular risk of Diclofenac 

Diclofenac is the most popular of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) in 15 countries, according to studies, and it is listed as an essential medicine in 74 middle and high income countries, despite its association to heart attack and stroke in vulnerable patients, alerts a study published in PLoS Medicine manazine.  This risk, claim the authors,

Unemployment can affect cardiovascular health

Obesity, tobacco, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes, the main causes of more than 17 million deaths by infarction in the world, now add to this list loosing or working precarious jobs.  Though there is no significant research on this issue, Dr Mauricio Torres, specialized in occupational health and president of the Health Policies International Association,

Deaths by cardiovascular disease drop less than expected

Death caused by cardiovascular disease still strikes hard in Argentina. During the last decade, mortality rates from cardiovascular conditions, including infarction, stroke, hypertension and arrhythmia, dropped a mere 6%, according to the registry of vital statistics of de National Health Ministry. In the previous decade, this rate was lower: it had reduced 22%. This difference

Calcium intake did not affect cardiovascular health

Medical experts say there is no excuse to suspend calcium intake or calcium mineral supplements and that everyone should consume between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per day to prevent osteoporosis and, consequently, the risk of fractures. Controversy indicated that calcium intake promoted the formation of atheromatous plaques and increased the risk of heart attack was

Vegetarians have lower cardiovascular risk

A British study has shown that vegans have a 32% lower risk of suffering from vascular diseases. The trial that included 45,000 men and women stated that vegans also have lower risk of developing diabetes and lower MBI (max body index) which signals overweight and obesity.  Results also show the importance of eating habits in

What do adults have in common with unexplained stroke, patients with migraine with aura and divers with decompression mishaps?

A small hole in the atrial septum can cause any severe neurological disorders, patent foramen ovale (PFO) – a cause or trigger that today can be given safe treatment without drug therapy for a long duration. Before birth there is a connection between the two atria, which closes immediately after birth, but for approximately 20%
