History, Mission, and Vision
The predominance of women in the world is an uncontested reality that is causing changes in different aspects of daily life. In the world of interventional cardiology, the number of women compared to men has always been very low (less than 5% in Latin America). However, this process is slowly beginning to change because more and more women are showing their interest in our specialty.
SOLACI believes in the importance of encouraging the participation of women in the field of interventional cardiology and fostering equality and professional respect as primary values. Consequently, in 2017, we created the Latin American Interventional Women Group (Grupo MIL), thanks to the constant efforts of Dr. Carla Agatiello (SOLACI member and Ex Director of Grupo MIL) and the significant collaboration of SOLACI Sessions current and former directors.
These are the objectives of the Latin American Interventional Women Group (Grupo MIL):
- To collect data and draft reports on the number of interventional women in Latin America and their geographic distribution.
- To promote and foster participation, helping increasingly more women to choose interventional cardiology as their specialty.
- To offer educational activities, both remote (webinars) and in person (educational programs, events, and scientific sessions in congresses), as actual professional development opportunities for women in this specialty.
- To encourage interventional men and women to provide mentorship and endorsement to young women cardiologists who might want to specialize in hemodynamics.
- To establish a wide network of collaborators among Latin American interventional women who promote action-based changes and strengthen the integration of and increase in women participation in this specialty.