InicioWomen in Cardio

Women in Cardio

Women in Cardio – Symposium for Women in Cardiology Held in Buenos Aires

The past 29 and 30th of September, 2023, the symposium Women in Cardio was held at Madero Hotel, in Buenos Aires; a joint effort organized by Boston Scientific Latam together with CACI the (Argentinian School of Interventional Cardiologists) and SOLACI’s MIL Group (the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology).

Over the course of 2 days, over 60 women cardiologists from Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina) met for an innovative and inclusive experience aimed at networking and offering educational opportunities in the field. 

Bellow we share some of the most important activities that took place during the event:

• +60 LATAM physicians
• International keynote speakers from Germany and US
• Educational sessions on PCI, structural heart disease, LAAC
• Edited TAVR and LAAC cases
• Female leadership in interventional cardiology
• Discussion sessions on education and training by SOLACI and Boston Scientific
• Round table on development and career advance by MIL Group-SOLACI
• Hands-On sessions

From SOLACI, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Boston Scientific’s unconditional support for the organization of this activity, as well as the participation of both men and women physicians who took part in this professional innovative and inclusive experience.

Relive the event’s best moments
