Tag Archives: Functional evaluation

FFR and iFR Discordance in up to 20% of Cases: Which One Should Inform Our Decisions?

FFR and iFR Discordance in up to 20% of Cases: Which One Should Inform Our Decisions?

Invasive functional measurement of intermediate lesions has become the gold standard to define revascularization. Due to its favorable long-term prognostic value, fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the reference used to compare all others. Recently, new nonhyperemic indexes, measured in a specific diastolic period, have emerged. Among them, the one with the most accumulated evidence is

EuroPCR 2020 | Deferral Based on iFR vs. FFR: Are They Equivalent or Is There a New “Gold Standard”?

Age may impact results when making an angioplasty choice based on fractional flow reserve (FFR) vs. instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR). After 2 years of follow-up, patients whose treatment of intermediate lesions was deferred based on functional testing had similar outcomes regardless of whether this decision was informed by FFR or iFR. However, iFR performance was constant,

La ATC es una alternativa válida en el TCI

The Road Towards a “More Perfect” Angioplasty Is Already Being Traveled

The aim of revascularization, whether through angioplasty or surgery, is to restore adequate flow to the myocardium; that much is obvious. However, after millions of “successful” procedures with the best technology applied to drug-eluting stents and optimal medical treatment, we still have a high ratio of patients who experience new events. Could an optimal angiographical
