Tag Archives: high surgical risk

TCT 2023 | ALIGN AR trial

TCT 2023 | ALIGN AR Trial

TCT 2023 | ALIGN AR Trial

Dr. Thourani has presented the ALIGN AR, a single arm, multicenter and non-blinded trial on the use of JenaValve in symptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation and high surgical risk.  Safety primary end point was a composite variables including all-cause mortality at 30 days, stroke, major bleeding, vascular complications, kidney failure, need for definite pacemaker

TRICVALVE en pacientes con Insuficiencia tricuspídea severa: resultados alentadores a 6 meses

TRICVALVE in Patients with Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation: Promising Results at 6 months

Severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is associated with high mortality and morbidity. For patients with high surgical risk that cannot get surgery, the endovascular option has become an attractive solution this past decade.  Transcatheter intervention has focused on edge-to-edge repair and valve replacement. However, their success depends on anatomical characteristics and imaging guidance effectiveness.  The bicaval

Estenosis aórtica severa asintomática en añosos: ¿cuándo intervenir?

Transcatheter Edge-To-Edge Repair Is Favorable for Elderly Patients at High Surgical Risk

Mitral valve prolapse is the most frequent cause of mitral valve regurgitation and is associated to hospitalization for cardiac failure and mortality. At present, the preferred treatment for operable patients is mitral valve surgical repair. Transcatheter edge to edge repair (TEER) has shown great benefit patients at high surgical risk; however, it has not been

Is Increased Mitral Valve Gradient After MitraClip a Long-Term Prognostic Factor?

Transcatheter mitral valve repair using the edge-to-edge strategy has become a therapeutic alternative for patients with severe primary mitral valve regurgitation (MVG) who are at high or extreme surgical risk. However, both degree of residual regurgitation and gradient after the procedure should be taken into account, as in previous studies the latter was associated with

TCT 2021 | OPTIMUM: Anatomía compleja y no elegibles para cirugía ¿aceptamos el caso?

TCT 2021 | OPTIMUM: Surgically Ineligible Patients with Complex Anatomy: Do We Accept the Case?

In surgically ineligible patients with complex coronary anatomy short term risk of death with PCI is considerably lower than the estimated surgical risk. These are the outcomes of the OPTIMUM registry, presented during the TCT scientific sessions.  The good short-term outcomes highlight the importance of trying percutaneous revascularization to treat complex patients.  The current data

TAVI en bajo riesgo con “cero” mortalidad y “cero” stroke

The Significance of Aetiology on Mitral Regurgitation

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. The aetiology of mitral regurgitation (MR) may be divided into primary, organic or degenerative MR, and secondary or functional MR. These two present different physiopathology. The treatment strategy is different for each, and edge-to-edge treatment with Mitraclip is currently emerging as a valid alternative for high-risk patients. This study analyzed 943 patients
