Observational studies have shown contradicting results on the use of multivitamins. PHS II is the only randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to evaluate the long term effect of the use of multivitamins in the prevention of CVD. 14,641 physicians ≥50 were randomized in 1997 to receive placebo or an E, C and Centrum Silver multivitamin on a daily basis. Primary end point was CVD or cancer occurrence. At 11,2 year follow up, primary end point showed no differences between the two groups. Considered separately, cancer was 8% less frequent in the multivitamin group.
Conclusion: multivitamin supplements did not reduce cardiovascular events in the studied population.
Comment: the use of multivitamins must be considered to treat nutritional deficiencies and not to prevent cardiovascular disease. Effect of multivitamins on cancer occurrence is modest.
Sidney Smith
Original title: PHS II Trial: A Multivitamin in the Prevention of CVD in Men.