Vegetarians have lower cardiovascular risk

A British study has shown that vegans have a 32% lower risk of suffering from vascular diseases. The trial that included 45,000 men and women stated that vegans also have lower risk of developing diabetes and lower MBI (max body index) which signals overweight and obesity. 

Results also show the importance of eating habits in preventing heart disease. Low cardiovascular risk for vegans results from a study carried out by a team of Oxford University, in Great Britain.

Researchers considered 44,561 men and women living in England and Scotland. From this population, 34 per cent had a vegan diet. After an 11 year follow up, it was determined that vegans have a 32% lower MI risk. This was independent from factors such as sex, age, obesity and others. This study was probably due to differences in cholesterol and arterial pressure. Vegans not only benefit from the positive impact of a lower BMI, but also benefit from a 28% heart disease risk reduction. 



