TCT 2018 | TALENT: Ultrathin Struts and Bioresorbable Polymer at the Lowest Possible Cost

This study assessed the Ultra-thin Strut Bioresorbable Polymer-based Coronary DES (Supraflex) against the Xience, with special emphasis in the cost-benefit ratio.  

TCT 2018 | TALENT: struts ultrafinos y polímero bioabsorbible al menor costo posibleIt included a population of 1435 all-comers from 23 centers in 7 European countries, randomized 1:1 (720 Supraflex and 715 Xience). Primary end point was a composite of cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction and clinically justified revascularization with a non-inferiority analysis.


Primary end point occurred in 4.9% of patients in the Supraflex group vs 5.3% in the Xience group (p=0.80), reaching a non-inferiority margin. There were no differences when looking at primary end point components separately such as death or infarction, but there was a reduction of repeat revascularization in the Xience group.

Read also: TCT 2018 | SORT OUT IX: Polymer-Free DES with Ultra-Thin Struts vs. Bioresorbable Polymer- Based DES.

No stent was able to cross the lesion in 2% with Supraflex vs only 0.1% with Xience (p<0.001), which tilted the scales as regards device success rate (97.6% vs 99.5%; p=0.003).


The Xience continues to be the gold standard to compare against when it comes to assessing new devices. However, in this particular case, the Suprafex has a unique advantage: its low cost. While for most countries any DES is around USD 1800, the Supraflex only costs USD 440, which makes it an attractive alternative.


Original title: A Randomized Trial Evaluating an Ultra-Thin Strut Bioresorbable Polymer-Based Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent in An All-Comers Patient Population.

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Patrick.W. Serruys.


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