SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress Has Begun!

Let the best begin! After a year of intense work, SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress—the widest, most important event for interventional cardiologists in Latin America—has kicked off.

Until August 4th, the Windsor Hotel in Barra da Tijuca will be the scenario for a high-level scientific program that includes challenging live national and international cases, edited complex clinical cases, over 20 international guests, joint sessions with the most important scientific societies in the world, scientific updates, innovation, technical advancements, stimulating academic debates, and comprehensive coverage of the most relevant topics in our specialty.

All these activities take place in 8 simultaneous thematic rooms and 2 interactive spaces with workshops, simulators, and modern, exciting training spaces. Additionally, there is a commercial exhibit featuring the most important medical industry representatives.

Some of the highlights of this Congress are the ProEducar-SOLACI Interventional Trainees Course, with 13 years of uninterrupted medical education, and the MIL/MINT Symposium for Latin American women in interventional cardiology.

Join us to experience an unforgettable event until August 4th! Enjoy SOLACI-SBHCI 2023!

