insuficiência mitral severa

¿Qué usar para medir funcionalmente una lesión coronaria en el contexto de estenosis aórtica severa?

Edge-to-Edge Repair Reduces Hospitalization and Mortality Rates in Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation?

Severe secondary mitral valve regurgitation is associated to hospitalization and mortality.  The COAPT study has shown the superiority of guideline directed medical therapy at maximal tolerated doses according to guidelines (GDMT) plus edge-to-edge transcatheter repair (TEER) versus GMDT alone. However, at present there is no information on the impact of hospitalizations and their relationship to...

Nuevas alternativas prometedoras para la insuficiencia mitral

Dietary Supplements and Diets Show No Impact on Cardiovascular Risk

Americans spend billions in dietary supplements every year but, in truth, this money is only wasted, according to evidence form a recent study published in Intern Med. Most of dietary interventions and nutritional supplements including multi-vitamins, selenium and antioxidants, do not reduce cardiovascular risk or mortality, according to this large analysis and systematic revision of...

¿Qué usar para medir funcionalmente una lesión coronaria en el contexto de estenosis aórtica severa?

Un Underestimated Symptom of Aortic Stenosis

For the first time, this long term observational study on a large cohort of contemporary patients with aortic stenosis (AS), has shown syncope is an underestimated threat, associated with worse prognosis after surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). It is interesting to note that other symptoms or early signs of AS that will normally indicate SAVR...
