InicioParticipate in our LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registries

Participate in our LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registries

Complete the following form and receive all the information and documentation needed to participate in the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry. If you wish to participate in the LATAM Bif-SOLACI Registry, please click on this link.


Complete the following form

    If you have problems with the form, please send the required data in the form fields to

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who can participate in our LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry? arrow faq
    All Latin American medical centers can participate.
    Which cases can be registered in the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry? arrow faq
    Cases about patients with intermittent claudication and critical ischemia can be registered.
    How does data collection work? arrow faq
    Patient information is collected using an electronic form designed with a unique personal access code within SOLACI’s REDcap platform.
    What are the benefits of participating in the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry? arrow faq
    1. Participants can consult our own database focused on lower limb angioplasty, with uniform variables for all Latin American centers.
    2. Participating centers can download, analyze, and publish their local data in real time, without requesting permissions or authorizations, thus creating collaborative knowledge.
    3. Researchers and centers participating in the registry can interact with other centers in the region looking to conduct research and publish papers.
    4. Researchers from the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry can credit their co-authorship of scientific articles and papers published using data from the Registry.
    5. Centers with high volume of registered patients in the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry can submit research proposals to be included in future papers.
    6. Researchers from the Registry can share the results of the LATAM-SOLACI Peripheral Registry in international and local events with previous authorization by SOLACI's Research Department.
    7. Should you need any assistance developing research projects or statistical analyzes, SOLACI's Research Department will provide help.
    8. SOLACI's Research Department will conduct continuous weekly audits so that all data are properly registered: both initial data and annual follow-ups (mandatory).


    Latin American Percutaneous Coronary Bifurcation Lesion Interventions Registry

    LATAM SOLACI Peripheral Registry

    SOLACI's Research Program on Peripheral Angioplasty in Latin America

    SOLACI Research Videos and Webinars

    SOLACI Peripheral Clinical Cases
