Tag Archives: carotid lesions

Carotídeas asintomáticas ¿Tenemos todas las respuestas?

Mild or Intermediate Symptomatic Carotid Lesions: What we need to know about plaque

Mild or Intermediate Symptomatic Carotid Lesions: What we need to know about plaque

Ischemic stroke is the main reason behind disability in the world, and it is often followed by death.  The rupture of carotid atherosclerotic plaque and its embolization are the main cause of this entity.  Different randomized studies have shown that carotid endarterectomy is beneficial in symptomatic patients with 70 to 99% carotid obstruction, but we

La endarterectomía precoz parece superior a la angioplastia carotidea en pacientes sintomáticos

Early Endarterectomy Seems Superior to Carotid Stenting in Symptomatic Patients

Patients with symptomatic stenosis of the internal carotid artery benefit from early intervention. The challenge lies in what intervention to choose.  Most studies comparing endarterectomy to carotid stenting are fairly heterogeneous as regards timing of intervention. This element is key to comparing between procedures, since there is no doubt timing will directly affect results.  
