Tag Archives: Risk factors

Novedades en las guías de prevención primaria de la AHA/ACC

Latest News on AHA/ACC Primary Prevention Guidelines

Latest News on AHA/ACC Primary Prevention Guidelines

Most cardiovascular diseases and mortality come down to 4 years of unhealthy habits (smoking, poor diet, obesity and sedentarism) and 3 major risk factors (cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes).  Ideal cardiovascular health, defined as absence or control of these 7 factors, is far less frequent than we might believe. It is estimated that 87% of the

Es posible esterilizar las máscaras N95 y los barbijos quirúrgicos

Coronavirus and the Heart: How Should Cardiologists Prepare?

As the number of confirmed cases increases throughout the globe, a picture is emerging as to what the direct cardiovascular effects of this pandemic may be. World-renowned physicians such as Alaide Chieffo (from the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy) have declared that coronavirus came completely unexpected and has put healthcare systems on the verge of
