Tag Archives: stress

ACC 2021 | El estrés aumentó en los eventos en pacientes jóvenes con IAM previo

ACC 2021 | Stress Increases Events in Young Patients with Prior MI

ACC 2021 | Stress Increases Events in Young Patients with Prior MI

Young or middle-aged patients who have already suffered a heart attack have almost twice as many adverse events when they continue to be under emotional stress after the initial suffering. The association between psychological factors and events is attenuated after making adjustments that include markers of inflammation such as interleukin-6. It follows that inflammation plays

Burnout Syndrome

Burnout Syndrome among Cardiologists

For the first time, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) has carried out a survey on this phenomenon, and more than 25% of Cardiologists have reported the characteristic symptoms of burnout. This syndrome is known, among other things, for chronic fatigue at work, low self-esteem and difficulty to focus, associated with stress and aggressiveness. These findings should be taken
