Tag Archives: thrombolitics

Es posible esterilizar las máscaras N95 y los barbijos quirúrgicos

In Favor of the Use of Thrombolytics in Pandemic Times

In Favor of the Use of Thrombolytics in Pandemic Times

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered reperfusion therapy access in patients undergoing ST elevation MI. In these adverse times, it seems prudent to reassess the reperfusion algorithm.   Even though primary PCI is the standard reperfusion strategy, to fully benefit from it is essential to keep first medical-contact-to-PCI time between 90 to 120 minutes (depending on

Reperfusión en tiempos de coronavirus

Reperfusion in the Time of COVID-19. What Has Changed?

We are living a pandemic due to the new COVID-19, but the world was already in the midst of a pandemic of cardiovascular disease. Both challenges defy healthcare systems worldwide, and the worst part is that they can coexist. Some symptoms for both diseases can overlap (such as respiratory distress) and they are unreliable, like
