Gender Equality in Medicine: What is the Current Situation?

By Women as One:

Everyone is entitled to human rights. However, in 2021 women are still experiencing discrimination in multiple forms.

UNESCO and the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 both found that the time needed to close the gender gap worldwide has increased from 99.5 years to 135.6 years.

In this infographic, we highlight the gender gaps in six identified categories and the change still needed for women in medicine.

Women in the healthcare workforce


In general, women deliver healthcare and men lead it.


Only 20% of global health organizations have gender parity on their boards, 25% and just have gender parity at the senior management level.



Parental leave


Medical research

Research by women in academic medicine is cited significantly less often than research by men.
Women represent only 35,6% of lead authors, and 25,8% of senior authors of academic articles published in high-impact medical journals.


Workplace environment

Women in medicine around the world report experiences of violence and harassment in the workplace.


Courtesy of Dr. Carla Agatiello.
MIL-SOLACI Group Director.


World Economic Forum: Global Gender Gap Report 2021
World Health Organization: Health workforce 2021.
World Health Organization: Delivered by women, led by men: a gender and equity analysis of the global health and social workforce.
Payscale: The State of the Gender Pay Gap in 2021.
World Health Organization: Gender equity in the health workforce: Analysis of 104 countries, 2019.
Jama Network: Gender Disparity in Citations in High-Impact Journal Articles, 2021.
Pew Research: Among 41 countries, only U.S. lacks paid parental leave, 2019.
BMJ: Violence against female health workers is tip of iceberg of gender power imbalances, 2020.
NCBI: Harassment in the Field of Medicine: Cultural Barriers to Psychological Safety, 2021.

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