SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Is Over: We Will Meet Again at SOLACI-SBHCI 2023!

After 3 days of intense scientific activities, the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Congress has come to an end. We enjoyed 3 days of academic excellence, with 4 rooms for simultaneous activities, 1 digital plaza, and 3 rooms for our satellite symposiums: ProEducar, Pediatrics, and Technicians and Nurses. 

During the Congress, the most relevant current topics in interventional cardiology were covered, and challenging live cases, edited cases, and international joint sessions were presented. Specialists from all corners of Latin America delivered countless lectures.

In that sense, over 1300 professionals witnessed this great event, while more than 500 people were able to enjoy the Main Arena sessions virtually. 

During the closing ceremony, Dr. Guering Eid Lidt, President of the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Scientific Committee, valued the hard teamwork of members of both associations to offer “a Congress at the level of what SOLACI and SOCIME demand, reaching a high academic level in this return to on-site events.” 

Furthermore, Dr. Aníbal Damonte, SOLACI President, highlighted the high attendance to the event—both in person and virtually—and congratulated the Organizing and Scientific Committee for the “excellent organization and the high level of the scientific program.” He also added: SOLACI and SOCIME took on a real challenge four months ago, but we understood that, despite the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, there was a need to return to on-site events. And we were not wrong.”

Dr. Andrés García Rincón, SOCIME President, thanked the medical industry for its collaboration and praised the joint work of both associations. Finally, he addressed the attendees, noting that “this Congress is from you and for you.”

At the end, Dr. Damonte left an open invitation to the SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress, to be held on August 2-4, 2023, at the Windsor Hotel in Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and called to continue working to expand the development of interventional cardiology in the region.

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