Chronic Coronary Syndromes articles

Cilostazol en pacientes diabéticos con revascularización periférica endovascular: Un paso más allá de la mejoría sintomática

Glycemic Control and Coronary Stent Failure

Glycemic Control and Coronary Stent Failure

Diabetic patients have twice as high a risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD). Additionally, CAD increases mortality risk. Patients with a history of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) tend to need repeat revascularization, even with second generation stents. To date, there are few studies assessing the role of glycemic control in stent failure, stent thrombosis,

¿Es la litotricia coronaria tan efectiva como la aterectomía rotacional?

Is Intravascular Lithotripsy Equally Effective in All Coronary Calcification Patterns?

Coronary calcifications pose a complex challenge with a high incidence (25% of all angioplasties), thus implying difficult management and adverse long-term outcomes, such as an increased risk of events, especially the need for repeat revascularization. The main mechanisms of long-term failure include stent underexpansion and, in particular, minimal post-deployment stent area. Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) has

EuroPCR 2024 | Specific Intracoronary Tests Combined with Angiography for Diagnosing Patients with Chronic Coronary Syndrome: The AID-ANGIO Study

Invasive coronary angiography (ICA) has become the gold standard for the assessment of patients with chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) for obstructive coronary artery disease. However, its ability to detect this condition is limited and it does not detect non-obstructive myocardial ischemia, which can be overlooked. To address these limitations, a prospective, observational, multicenter study was

Novedades en las guías de prevención primaria de la AHA/ACC

LpA: 30-Year Cardiovascular Followup in Primary Prevention Cohorts

For years, treating dyslipidemia mainly focused on reducing LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) with statins, which had shown benefits in reducing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a form of apoB-containing lipoprotein bound to a hydrophilic, highly glycosylated protein called apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)]. Circulating levels of Lp(a) are genetically determined, and are hardly affected by eating habits

ACC 2024

ACC 2024 | DanGer-Shock Trial

Cardiogenic shock will develop in approximately 10% of patients with ST elevated acute MI (STEMI), and unfortunately, only half of these patients will survive.  Researchers have been looking into the Impella system to manage this severe complication. It consists of an aortic transvalvular pump designed to deliver blood from the left ventricle into the systemic

FFR Post Angioplastia

Virtual Flow Reserve (VFR): Virtual Physiological Test with OCT

Assessing intermediate coronary lesions with intracoronary physiology tests such as fractional flow reserve (FFR) or other non-hyperemic indices is considered the standard of care by both American and European societies. Likewise, intravascular imaging techniques (IVI), be it IVUS or optical coherence tomography (OCT), are of great use in assessing and guiding complex coronary lesions and

Network Meta-Analysis of Complementary Imaging (IVUS/OCT + Conventional Angiography) for Coronary Stenting

Complementary imaging allows for the identification of numerous scenarios not visible with conventional angiography (ICA), both for the assessment of differential diagnoses and the improvement of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) outcomes. Advantages include assessment of plaque characteristics, vessel plaque burden, stent edge dissection, vessel diameter, and correct apposition, among others. While intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was

La ATC es una alternativa válida en el TCI

Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy in Left Main

The Left main coronary artery supplies circulation to roughly 70% of myocardium, and left main disease requires a high risk intervention with significant impact on patient prognosis. The current guidelines have set the threshold for intervention in LM disease at ≥50% stenosis, irrespective of the presence of symptoms or ischemic burden.  LM calcification is an

La cirugía parece superior a la angioplastia en pacientes jóvenes

Sub-Analysis of the REVIVED-BCIS2: Myocardial Viability Changes Prognosis in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Revascularization?

The purpose of myocardial viability testing is to identify patients that might benefit from revascularization by diagnosing three types of myocardium: normal, viable or hibernating, and scarred (non-viable). Non-randomized studies have shown recovery of a viable ventricle after myocardial revascularization surgery (CABG) and improved survival.  However, a sub-analysis of the main study on viability testing,

Dieta proinflamatoria y su potencial para desencadenar eventos cardiovasculares

Preparation Before Elective Coronary Angiography: Is Prolonged Fasting the Only Option?

When scheduling a coronary angiography, patients are usually instructed to fast for at least 8 hours (no oral intake after dinner). However, this strategy can lead to negative effects such as discomfort, irritability, dehydration, and even hypoglycemia in some cases. Previous studies have not shown significant differences in gastric complications between patients fasting only 2 hours before

Disnea y oclusiones totales crónicas: un síntoma que podemos aliviar (o al menos intentarlo)

Contemporary Outcomes of CTO PCI in Europe: The ERCTO Registry

Roughly 20% or coronary angiographies show some form of chronic total occlusion (CTO), and this figure is twice as high for diabetic patients or those with cardiac failure and reduced ejection fraction (EF). CTO percutaneous intervention (PCI) has experienced a significant growth thanks to the development of new techniques and dedicated material. However, a considerable
