Institutional News articles

Live cases SOLACI-SBHCI 2023

Left Main PCI with Dedicated DES Guided by HD Imaging | SOLACI-SBHCI 2023, International Live Case

Left Main PCI with Dedicated DES Guided by HD Imaging | SOLACI-SBHCI 2023, International Live Case

✔️ SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 – Internationl Live Case | Left Main PCI with Dedicated DES Guided by HD Imaging ✔️ Site: LEIPZIG HEART CENTER – LEIPZIG, GERMANY ✔️ August 3, 2023, Copacabana Room, Windsor Oceánico

Structural Summit 2024

Structural Summit 2024: Disruptive Innovations, Complex Interventions

An event of great significance for interventional cardiology in South America is coming soon: the Structural Summit 2024, organized jointly by the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI), SOLACI, and CRF/TVT. This important scientific activity will take place from February 28 to March 1, 2024, at the Unique Hotel in São Paulo, Brazil,

Miami Valves 2024 - Descuento SOLACI

Miami Valves 2024: 35% Discount for SOLACI Members!

From February 1 to 3, 2024, Miami Valves 2024 will be held in Miami, Florida, US, at the Miami Marriot Byscayne Bay Hotel. This event has been founded by faculty members of Miami University centers of excellence and complemented by key opinion leaders from around the world; here you will be able to attend powerful lectures and

SOLACI Wishes You Happy Holidays!

The Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology sends its warmest wishes to our region’s entire medical community in this Holiday season. Thank you for your efforts and dedication invested in improving our patient’s quality of life. We thank all professionals who, in one way or another, took part in the scientific activities and educational projects our Society
