SOLACI Webinars articles

Jornadas Virtuales Honduras: Intervencionismo Coronario en LATAM, 2020

Virtual Honduras Sessions | Day 1 – Coronary Interventionism in LATAM, 2020: An Unexpected Challenge

Virtual Honduras Sessions | Day 1 – Coronary Interventionism in LATAM, 2020: An Unexpected Challenge

Check again the Virtual Honduras Sessions on our Youtube account. On the first day of the sessions we discussed the Coronary Interventionism in LATAM, 2020: An Unexpected Challenge.     We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts, questions, etc., below. They will be most welcome.

Webinar SOLACI | Angioplastia de Tronco de la Coronaria Izquierda 360°: Caso, Técnica y Evidencia

Webinar SOLACI | Left Main Coronary Artery PCI 360°: Clinical Case, Technique and Evidence

Check out our Webinar on “Left Main Coronary Artery PCI 360°: Clinical Case, Technique and Evidence” on our Youtube account. The event was promoted by the areas of ProEducar, SOLACI Research and SOLACI Sessions, and included the participation of prominent Latin American interventionists. In addition, a complex clinical case was presented on Left Main PCI

Manejo de las Salas de Hemodinamia en Tiempos de Pandemia. Perspectiva Latinoamericana

Webinar SOLACI | Cath Lab Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Latin American Perspective

Watch again our Webinar on Cath Lab Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Latin American Perspective.  The event was held via Zoom on 06/13 and featured the participation of prominent Latin American professionals. It was organized by SOLACI’s Technicians & Nurses area. > We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts, questions, etc.,
