January 23 – SOLACI Medtronic Webinar: Visualizing Different PCI Techniques for Bifurcations from a Totally Different Perspective

A new virtual educational event is coming, organized by the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology with the support of Medtronic.

This time, we will host a 120-minute event on “Visualizing Different PCI Techniques for Bifurcations from a Totally Different Perspective”. During the event, two live cases will be broadcast from the Visible Heart Laboratory in Minneapolis, demonstrating Provisional Stent techniques and Crush variations through endoscopic images captured from inside the vessel of an isolated and reanimated porcine heart.

Renowned experts from Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Colombia will participate in the activity.

Check the scientific agenda and register. The event, as always, is open and free with prior registration.

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