Tag Archives: carotid PCI

Nueva generación de stents farmacológicos

Dual Layered for Dual Protection in Carotid PCI

Dual Layered for Dual Protection in Carotid PCI

At present, there is more than one dual layered stent in the market offering additional protection in carotid PCI. Therefore we saw fit to look at these devices to compare class benefits and find any specific differences.  This study assessed the safety and efficacy of two dual layered mesh covered stents especially designed for carotid

angioplastia carotidea video

Carotid PCI

Operators: Estêvão Martins, João Frighetto, Frederico Cavalcanti Panelists: Estevão Carvalho de Campos Martins (Brazil), Marcus Gress  (Brazil), Hugo Francisco Londero (Argentina), Henrique Sallas Martin  (Brazil), Itamar Ribeiro de Oliveira  (Brazil). Exibido em 10 de junho de 2016 pela TBR Produções.

acv reestenosis carotídea

Predictors of Restenosis and Stroke Following Carotid PCI

Original Title: Predictors of Restenosis Following Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting. Reference: Elena Zapata-Arriaza et al. Stroke. 2016 Jun 21. Epub ahead of print.   Restenosis after carotid PCI is associated to an increase of stroke and death risk. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk and predicting factors associated to carotid restenosis
