Tag Archives: chronic stable angina

ESC 2019 | CLARIFY: Los síntomas predicen riesgo solamente en pacientes con infarto previo

ESC 2019 | CLARIFY: Symptoms Predict Risk Only in Patients with Prior MI

ESC 2019 | CLARIFY: Symptoms Predict Risk Only in Patients with Prior MI

The 5-year follow up of patients with chronic stable angina (or as the guidelines currently call it “chronic coronary syndrome”) indicate the risk of cardiovascular death or non-fatal MI is quite low, but risk factor control is still fairly poor. This information comes from the CLARIFY study, presented at ESC 2019 and published simultaneously in

ESC 2019 | New European Guidelines on “Chronic Coronary Syndromes”

In Paris, during the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2019 Scientific Sessions, new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic coronary syndromes were presented. This document, simultaneously published in Euro Heart J, updates the 2013 guidelines on stable ischemic heart disease and takes out the word “stable” so as to emphasize that the

cangrelor vs. clopidogrel

ESC 2019 | THEMIS-PCI: Unlike in the Main Study, Here Ticagrelor Is Indeed Effective

This is a sub-study of the THEMIS presented during the ESC 2019 scientific sessions in Paris, and simultaneously published in Lancet. They were all diabetics with stable coronary artery disease, but in this sub-study patients also had prior PCI. It included over 11000 patients with prior PCI for whom the combination of ticagrelor and aspirin

ESC 2019 | THEMIS: Ticagrelor in Diabetics with Stable Coronary Artery Disease

The use of ticagrelor in patients with stable coronary artery disease significantly reduces the rate of major cardiovascular events when compared against aspirin, according to this study presented on Sunday at ESC 2019 simultaneously published in NEJM, though the cost in terms of major bleeding seems unacceptable. Primary end point rate (composite of cardiovascular death,

Functional Assessment of Lesions: Advances with MRI

Computer tomography (CT) had taken over in the race to develop software capable of measuring FFR non-invasively. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) wouldn’t fall behind and has also tried non-inferiority vs an FFR based strategy, according to this study recently published in the prestigious NEJM, called MR-INFORM. In patients with chronic angina and CAD risk factors,

TCT 2018 | CorMicA Trial: Coronary Function in Patients with Angina and Normal Coronary Arteries

Angina pectoris without stenosis in the epicardial coronary arteries is a common problem with several possible underlying causes. The main purpose of this work was to test the hypothesis that stratified medical therapy guided by an interventional diagnostic procedure might improve outcomes. Patients without coronary lesions and with angina were immediately randomized 1:1 to an

infarto peri-procedimiento

Great Dispersion in the Prognosis of Patients with Angina and No Coronary Lesions

The prognosis of patients with symptoms of angina (with all their subjectivity) in a setting of no significant coronary lesions is widely varied. It is not as benign as we initially thought and patients do not present as many events as “regular” patients with associated severe coronary lesions. The literature owed us data on the

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

The diagnostic performance of the iFR makes the FFR tremble

Despite the evidence, most stable patients continue to be managed based on coronary angiography and, worse, often without a prior non-invasive functional study. With the introduction of the FFR, we left the “anatomical” era for the “functional” era in the catheterization room, which has been proven to improve patients prognosis and, as if that were

DEFINE FLAIR and IFR SWEDEHEART: Safety in Revascularization Based on FFR and iFR in Both Stable and ACS Patients

What Is the Long-Term Outcome of Lesions Deferred Using FFR/iFR?

The presence of inducible ischemia is an essential prerequisite to obtain clinical benefits from revascularization through angioplasty. In that sense, the measurement of fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the gold standard as regards invasive methods assessing the functional significance of epicardial artery stenosis. As opposed to FFR, the measurement of the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR)

FFR no invasivo: la tomografía evoluciona de la anatomía a lo funcional

Non-Invasive FFR: CT Evolves from Anatomical to Functional

In the US, more than 4 million patients with chronic stable angina are looking to rule out heart disease. Most undergo functional diagnostic studies that might lead to invasive coronary angiography followed by revascularization. CT has become an alternative diagnostic tool thanks to its precision to rule out heart disease (negative predictive value between 97
