Tag Archives: chronic stable angina

FAME 2 a 3 años: mejores resultados con angioplastia y a un costo similar que el tratamiento médico

TCT 2017 | FAME 2 at 3 Years: Better Results with Angioplasty and at a Cost Similar to Medical Treatment

TCT 2017 | FAME 2 at 3 Years: Better Results with Angioplasty and at a Cost Similar to Medical Treatment

Courtesy of SBHCI. Angioplasty in patients with chronic stable angina and functionally significant lesions improves clinical outcomes and quality of life over the long term, as compared with optimal medical therapy alone. Furthermore, the invasive approach becomes more cost-effective as the years go by. Previously, FAME 2 had shown that angioplasty was initially more expensive, but

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: el efecto placebo de la angioplastia

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: The Placebo Effect of Angioplasty

Courtesy of the SBHCI. Chronic stable angina and severe coronary lesion patients who undergo angioplasty in a single vessel show no better outcomes than individuals who undergo a placebo sham procedure when it comes to exercise capacity and symptoms, according to this study presented at TCT and published simultaneously in the Lancet. The curious results


FAVOR: Diagnostic Accuracy of FFR derived from coronary angiography, the QFR

Original Title: Diagnostic accuracy of a fast computational approach to derive FFR from coronary X-ray angiography: results from the international multicenter FAVOR (Functional Assessment by Varios flow Reconstruction) pilot study. Presenter: Shengxian Tu.   Pressure gradient across coronary stenosis is associated to flow and influenced by obstruction geometry. The QFR (quantitative flow ratio) is a

Should ranolazine be considered for all incomplete revascularization patients?

Original Title: Effects of Ranolazine in Angina and Quality of Life after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Incomplete Revascularization Results from the Ranolazine for Incomplete Vessel Revascularization (RIVER-PCI) Trial. Reference: Karen P. Alexander et al. Circulation. 2016 Jan 5;133(1):39-47 Courtesy of Dr. Santiago Alonso Persistence or return of angina after PCI is relatively frequent, which is why

Does PCI Improve Survival in Patients with Stable Heart Disease? COURAGE Extended Analysis

Original Title: Effect of PCI on Long-Term Survival in Patients with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease. Reference: Steven P. Sedlis et al. N Engl J Med 2015;373:1937-46. Courtesy of Dr. Santiago Alonso. Centro Cardiológico Americano. Sanatorio Americano. Montevideo, Uruguay. During a median follow up of 4.6 years, with 2287 stable heart disease or silent ischemia patients,
