Tag Archives: coronary spasm

Further Evidence in Favor of Non-Invasive Vasospasm Diagnosis

Further Evidence in Favor of Non-Invasive Vasospasm Diagnosis

Non-invasive coronary vasospasm diagnosis by means of echocardiography with the administration of ergonovine can be performed safely; even without prior angiography to rule out fixed lesions. These data are encouraging and move patients with vessel spasm but without significant lesions away from multiple angiographies and from the uncertainty of a diagnosis “by exclusion.” This work

La angina microvascular podría tener gradientes de riesgo

Microvascular Angina Could Have Risk Gradients

This study recently published in JACC paves the way to identifying higher risk patients among those with no epicardial coronary artery disease (CAD) that present angina symptoms.  Evidence of coronary spasm and increased microcirculation resistance in patients with angina (but with no epicardial obstructive CAD) is associated with increased risk of adverse cardiac events.  AT
