Tag Archives: ischemic cardiomyopathy

Mortalidad y volumen de angioplastias de un centro ¿Tienen relación?

Predicting Coronary Angioplasty Benefits

Predicting Coronary Angioplasty Benefits

Coronary angioplasty or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) reduces angina and improves quality of life in patients with stable ischemic cardiomyopathy, though the ORBITA study has shed new light on this. Meanwhile, we will assume this is indeed the case, until new studies either confirm or refute the above mentioned, controversial study. Either way, it is

Should ranolazine be considered for all incomplete revascularization patients?

Original Title: Effects of Ranolazine in Angina and Quality of Life after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Incomplete Revascularization Results from the Ranolazine for Incomplete Vessel Revascularization (RIVER-PCI) Trial. Reference: Karen P. Alexander et al. Circulation. 2016 Jan 5;133(1):39-47 Courtesy of Dr. Santiago Alonso Persistence or return of angina after PCI is relatively frequent, which is why
