Tag Archives: Mechanical Thrombectomy

Un guiño para la trombólisis guiada por Catéter en tromboembolismo pulmonar

FLASH Registry: Mechanical Thrombectomy with FlowTriever

FLASH Registry: Mechanical Thrombectomy with FlowTriever

Prospective registry of PTE patients who underwent FlowTriever, with 6 months of follow-up. The clinical relevance of interventional treatment in pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is often discussed, and no clinical studies have demonstrated a decrease in “hard” outcomes such as mortality. However, in recent years the use of catheter-directed therapies has increased, either through its main indication,

AHA 2019 | Treat Stroke to Target: terapia agresiva con estatinas post stroke

Can We Deal with Learning Curves in Acute Stroke?

When an interventional cardiology center, where interventional cardiology specialists work alongside neurologists and radiologists, start a thrombectomy program in acute stroke, results achieved are similar to those at an interventional neurology center. Mechanical thrombectomy has proven to be the best treatment option for acute ischemic stroke. However, it is not widely available, mainly due to

Webinar SOLACI - Tópicos Selectos en Hemodinamia III

Watch again Selected Topics in Hemodynamics III

Watch again “Selected Topics in Hemodynamics III” on our YouTube account. The event was held on 11/07/2020 by SOLACI’s Technicians and Nurses area and had more than 300 spectators. What things will I learn if I watch this video? 03:43 – Code of stroke “mechanical thrombectomy” – Ernesto Chavarria Mathieu (Costa Rica). 21:24 – Aspects

Calidad de vida entre cirugía y angioplastia para tratar la enfermedad del tronco

Mechanical Thrombectomy in Stroke Could Have Worse Results in Low Volume Centers

The number of centers that are starting endovascular stroke therapy (EST) to treat acute stroke is growing fast, with a significant increase of cases in low volume centers. Interventional neurologists are not able to cover the high demand and interventional cardiologists are always ready to learn something new. Is this right? Should interventional cardiologists treat
