Tag Archives: same day discharge

Es viable el alta al otro día en pacientes que reciben TAVI

Can We Discharge TAVR Patients the Same Day?

Can We Discharge TAVR Patients the Same Day?

For over a decade, TAVR has been showing great benefits, but conduction abnormalities such as RBBB and prior A-V block, continue to be one of the biggest challenges, since in different series the need for definite pacemaker implantation (PPM) varies between 17 to 30% in the large, randomized studies of self-expanding valves.   Even though we

Same Day Discharge in NSTE-ACS: Is It Possible?

At present, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the most common coronary revascularization strategy. One of its benefits is that patients can be safely discharged when procedures are programed, which helps decompress hospital capacity.  However, this strategy has not been validated for acute coronary syndromes; the evidence gathered for non-ST elevation ACS is far from robust,

El alta en el mismo día luego de una angioplastia coronaria es cada vez más popular pero todavía no es regla

Post PCI Same Day Discharge: from Convenience to Need

Same day discharge following programed PCI with no complications has been a way for health centers to reduce costs that has resulted both safe and convenient for patients.  With the arrival of the pandemic, reduced bed capacity, uninfected patient exposure and their potential contagion, and the always pressing need to reduce hospital costs have turned
