Busca: aortic stenosis

the PCI risk higher in patients with severe Aortic Stenosis? How can we reduce the risk?

SOLACI CACI 2017 | Is the PCI risk higher in patients with severe Aortic Stenosis? How can we reduce the risk?

Leia os artigos mais destacados do terceiro dia do Congresso SOLACI-CACI 2017. Neste caso, consulte a apresentação do Dr.&nbsp;Daniel Weilenmann, intitulada Is&nbsp;the PCI risk higher in patients with severe Aortic Stenosis? How can we reduce the risk?&#8221;. Sua opinião nos interessa. Pode deixar abaixo seu comentário, reflexão, pergunta ou o que desejar. Será mais que<a href="https://solaci.org/pt/2017/08/10/solaci-caci-2017-is-the-pci-risk-higher-in-patients-with-severe-aortic-stenosis-how-can-we-reduce-the-risk/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Evaluation and Management of Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis

Augusto Pichard2014-08-08 Director Innovation and Structural Heart Disease, &nbsp;Vice Chair, Medstar Heart Institute,&nbsp;Medstar Washington Hospital Center. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology),Georgetown University Medical School.Washington, DC
