What can we do to improve our cardiovascular health?

Among the things we do to take care of our health are:

. Regular exercise: ideally, we should practice sports for 20 minutes, three days a week. Any activity serves well, as long as it adjusts to age, physical condition and cardiovascular situation. Regular exercise produces endorphins, which improve your mood and cause euphoria and a sense of wellness. The truth is that 65% of the population does not exercise as much as they need to keep healthy and fight the main cardiovascular risk factors: hypertension, stress, overweight and sedentarism

. A healthy diet: this is another basic measure to look after your heart: adopting healthy eating habits such as avoiding calories and refined sugars, saturated and transgenic fats, reducing salt, and avoiding non polyphenol alcohol, which includes almost all alcoholic beverages except red wine. A healthy diet is reduced in saturated fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates, is very rich in fibers, monounsaturated fats, vitamins A, B, C and D and antioxidants. It includes olive oil, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, spices and red wine and is reduced in meats and dairy. 



