Tag Archives: Calcification

Dietas bajas en carbohidratos y progresión de la calcificación coronaria

Use of IVL in Calcified Coronary Lesions in a Real World Population

Use of IVL in Calcified Coronary Lesions in a Real World Population

The presence of calcification in coronary arteries (CAC) remains a challenge for the percutaneous treatment of these lesions. Several studies have established the link between CAC and poor long term results.  Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) has surged as a tool to induce calcified plaque fracture.  Even though studies on this strategy are not randomized, they have

TCT 2020 | Initial Studies Show Incredible Results with Lithotripsy in Calcified Lesions

Intravascular coronary lithotripsy shows promise for the improvement of angioplasty in severely calcified lesions, according to data from the DISRUPT CAD III study, published in JACC and simultaneously presented at the TCT 2020 Congress. Calcification in all patients enrolled was highly severe, with an average length of 48 mm, and side-branch involvement in 30% of cases. Lithotripsy,

¿Se debe tener en cuenta el género para revascularizar el tronco?

Myocardial Fibrosis in Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Matter of Sex?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Aortic valve calcification and its resulting stenosis leads to changes in left ventricle hemodynamics, producing diffuse ischemia followed by inflammation, increased extracellular matrix, necrosis, and later, diffuse fibrosis.  At present, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we can analyze ventricular architecture and its function by detecting fibrosis (LGE) and its volume
