Amidst the 27th annual meeting of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology and the annual meeting of the Mexican Society of Interventional Cardiology, the 12th edition of our course for fellow interventionists ProEducar was held.
The course – directed by Dr. Leandro Lasave (ARG) and codirected by Drs. Gabriel Maluenda (CHL), Guering Eid Lidt (MEX) and Andrés García Rincón (MEX) – was carried out at the ProEducar room, at the convention center Expo Santa Fé, and was attended by renowned international faculty such as Hector Tamez (USA) and Mauricio Cohen (USA).
Organized in 5 specialized thematic modules, the course ProEducar-SOLACI surged as an instance of intensive theoretical-practical learning for young professionals, and also a tool for all interventionists who might need to catch up.
The first morning module focused on preparing and planning an intervention. Doctors Lasave (ARG), Damas de los Santos (MEX) and Estrada Gallegos (MEX) disserted on transradial approach, percutaneous closing devices and coronary access post TAVR. Next came the module on structural cardiomyopathy, where doctors Aníbal Damonte (ARG), Marco Alcántara (MEX) and Alejandro Alcocer (MEX) went through left atrial appendage closure techniques, Mitraclip and aortic valve implantation on a native valve.
At lunchtime, our fellows were able to enjoy the challenging structural and coronary cases presented by international and Latin American faculty who shared their knowledge with the audience. We would like to extend our appreciation to doctors Mauricio Cohen (USA), Felix Damas de los Santos (MEX) and Márcio Montenegro (BRA) for sharing their experience with Mexican fellows.
During the afternoon, the course went on to showcase and discuss complex coronary interventions and non-coronary interventions. First, Drs. Cohen, Tamez, López Cuellar (MEX) and Araya (CHL) analyzed topics such as primary angioplasty and multivessel disease, treating calcified lesions, bifurcation lesions, left main PCI and an educational case focused on imaging.
At the last session, doctors Goldsmit (ARG), Ricalde (MEX) and Granada (USA) shared their knowledge on infrapatellar disease, renal denervation, and anatomical bases for a correct transeptal puncture.
And at the end of the day came the cherry on top, when the fellows had the opportunity to test themselves through a multiple choice and compete for a full scholarship to attend the SCAI Fellows Course to be held in December 2022 in Miami.
We hope you all have enjoyed the 12th edition of ProEducar course for young interventionists. See you next year in Brazil!
Our special thanks to all panelists and coordinators who kindly worked together with us on this educational course: Dr. José Luis Leiva Pons (MEX), Dr. Ricardo Costa (BRA), Dr. Yigal Piña Reyna, Dr. Pedro Hidalgo (VEN) and Dr. Aníbal Damonte (ARG).
Our endless gratitude to Dr. Marco Alcántara who nurtured the course program with 3 excellent presentations.
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