Day 2

NONSTEMI: Superiority of early angioplasty in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction

The European guidelines recommend revascularization within 24 hours in high-risk patients with No ST segment elevation myocardial...

TOTAL stroke: increased risk of stroke with thromboaspiration

There are many doubts about the benefit of manual thromboaspiration, not only in terms of improvement of...

PARTNER II: Less oversizing to reduce paravalvular failure with the new generation of SAPIEN 3

The new generation SAPIEN 3 valve was designed to reduce paravalvular aortic regurgitation. The objective of this...

IN.PACT Global Study: Pharmacological balloon in long lesions of the Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA)

Long lesions (≥ 15 cm), total occlusions, and in-stent restenosis represent a unique treatment challenge in peripheral...

Angiographic TOTAL: Sub angiography studio of TOTAL

Myocardial blush is a predictor of mortality after primary angioplasty. Small studies showed a degree of improvement...

TOTAL OCT: Thrombotic load of culprit lesion using OCT. TOTAL substudy.

The thrombotic load of culprit lesion is unidentified in the context of acute myocardial infarction that vindicates...

OPINION: optical frequency domain versus IVUS to guide angioplasty

This multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled study was designed to evaluate the noninferiority of guided angioplasty by optical...

CoreValve Evolut R CE: Good results at 6 months of the new CoreValve repositionable

This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the new repositionable self-expanding valve. The primary end point...