International Congresses articles

ESC 2012.

Summary of the presentations, original articles and major slides shown at an event which was, without question, an academic calendar marker, held in Munich from the 25th to 29th August 2012. If you cannot view the articles, click here

euroPCR 2012.

The most relevant news daily report fromthe EuroPCR congress, held in Paris from the15th to 18th May 2012. To close a brilliant event, EuroPCR authorities invited the presidents of the European and American societies represented in Paris to a gala tribute dinner at La Maison de l’ Amérique Latine, a magnificent mansion built with the

ACC 2012.

Important news from the American College of Cardiology, Innovention & Intervention (I2), which was held in Chicago, Illinois (USA), between the 24th and 27th March 2012. If you cannot view the articles, click here
