ACC 2019 | Infartarse muy joven o 10 años después no cambia la mortalidad a largo plazo

ACC 2019 | Having an Infarction at Very Young Age or 10 Years Later Does Not Change Long-Term Mortality

ACC 2019 | Having an Infarction at Very Young Age or 10 Years Later Does Not Change Long-Term Mortality

Patients who suffered their first coronary event before turning 40 years old have similar long-term mortality to those who experienced it even 10 years later, according to the YOUNG-MI Registry presented at the American College of Cardiology [ACC] 2019 Scientific Sessions. Secondary prevention must be used aggressively in both young and elder patients.   Over more than

ACC 2019 | SAFARI: sorpresivamente, el acceso radial no ofrece ventajas en el infarto

ACC 2019 | SAFARI: Unexpectedly, Radial Approach Offers No Benefits In STEMI

This study was not able to show benefits in terms of mortality or bleeding when using radial vs. femoral approach in patients undergoing ST elevation myocardial Infarction. This small trial does not change things for “radialists” way past their learning curve who already feel confident with this technique. For them, there is no way back.
