ACC 2019 | TAVI en bicúspides es seguro y factible en pacientes seleccionados del mundo real

ACC 2019 | TAVR in Bicuspids is Safe and Feasible in Real World Patients

ACC 2019 | TAVR in Bicuspids is Safe and Feasible in Real World Patients

Experts still won’t agree on whether to carry out randomized trial to put an end to this discussion, but it seems clear that balloon expandable TAVR is valid only for certain anatomies.   TAVR in real world bicuspid valve populations is associated with similar outcomes at 30 days and one year when compared against cohorts

ACC 2019 | POET: los antibióticos vía oral con buenos resultados a largo plazo en endocarditis

ACC 2019 | POET: Oral Antibiotics with Good Long-Term Results for Endocarditis

This work found better survival rates with oral treatment, an outcome that may be credited to shorter hospital stays and the subsequent reduction of complications related to them. A strategy of switching to oral treatment after a short intravenous (IV) regimen confers long-term safety and efficacy. These data are derived from an exploratory analysis of

ACC 2019 | PARTNER 3: TAVI en bajo riesgo con menos eventos al año que la cirugía

ACC 2019 | PARTNER 3: Low Risk TAVR vs. Surgery, Fewer Events per Year

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. TAVR has largely been shown superior or non-inferior in high or intermediate risk patients.  Indeed, the development of new technologies, the more simplified procedure and the increased experience of operators and team have allowed these groups to benefit from this strategy. However, there is little evidence available on low risk

ACC 2019 | Prometedores resultados para el TAVI en bajo riesgo

ACC 2019 | TAVR in Low-Risk Patients Is Noninferior

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Self-expanding supraannular aortic valves have proved to be superior to surgery in high-risk patients and noninferior in intermediate-risk patients. However, the current challenge is posed by low-risk, generally younger, patients. In that sense, our purpose is to determine device effectiveness and safety in terms of mortality and stroke rates (which are
