
After Much Toing and Froing, Gastrointestinal Protection Is Back to the Forefront

Several clinical guidelines differ in their recommendation regarding the prescription of proton pump inhibitors to patients being...

EuroPCR 2019 | Global Leaders: Ticagrelor Monotherapy at Long Term Could Have a Role in Complex PCI

This post hoc analysis of what had been a trial with negative outcomes should be considered only...

Bariatric Surgery Associated with a Lower Rate of Mortality Due to Infarction and Stroke

Prior bariatric surgery in a patient with morbid obesity is associated with a significant effect on survival...

Is Alcohol Good, Bad, or Neutral for Cardiovascular Health?

In the 2018 Guidelines on Hypertension, commandment no. 6 states that we should make lifestyle interventions such...

E-Cigarettes vs. Nicotine Therapy to Stop Smoking

E-cigarettes were more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy according to this randomized study recently published...

ACC 2019 | AUGUSTUS: Apixaban Plus P2Y12 Inhibitor Is the Best Combination in Atrial Fibrillation and Angioplasty

Aspirin increases bleeding with no ischemic benefit, but a trend toward more stent thrombosis with placebo warrants...

ACC 2019 | The New ACC/AHA Guidelines on Primary Prevention Focus on Life Style, Diet and Socioeconomic Factors.

These guidelines basically remind us that we should focus on life style changes to best prevent heart...

ESC 2018 | CLARIFY: No Survival Benefit with Beta-Blockers Beyond 1 Year After Infarction

This is another study that concludes that beta-blockers have no impact on mortality at 1 year after infarction...