transfemoral access

¿Deberíamos adoptar el uso rutinario del ultrasonido para guiar el acceso femoral?

Should We Use Ultrasound Routinely to Guide Transfemoral Access?

Currently, transfemoral access (TFA) is used in large-caliber procedures and when transradial access fails. The introduction of ultrasound (US) to guide access has emerged as a technique that allows for precise channeling, avoiding accesses above or below the inguinal ligament. However, evidence regarding the use of this tool has shown diverse results. Two surveys conducted...

Should We Use Ultrasound to Guide Transfemoral Access Routinely?

Currently, transfemoral access (TFA) is used in large-caliber procedures and when transradial access is not successful. The use of ultrasound (US) to guide access has emerged as a technique that allows for precise cannulation, avoiding accesses above and below the inguinal ligament. However, evidence regarding the effectiveness of this tool has shown variable results. Two...

El acceso cubital puede ser un as en la manga extra antes de pensar en el femoral

Transulnar Access: Another Ace Up Our Sleeve Before Transfemoral Access

Transulnar access can be as safe and effective as transradial access, and it is a particularly good alternative for the preservation of radial artery patency or when such vessel presents a difficult anatomy. This new meta-analysis that will be published soon in Catheter Cardiovasc Interv showed a relatively high failure rate for that access, but...

Comparing Computed Tomography vs. Angiography to Assess Transfemoral Access for TAVI

Original Title: Transfemoral Access Assessment for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Evidence Based Application of Computed Tomography over Invasive Angiography. Reference: Circ Cardiovas Imaging 2015 DOI:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.114.0011995. Courtesy of Dr. Guillermo Migliaro Transfemoral access for TAVI was introduced in 2006 and is considered first choice. Vascular complications (VCs) are important events that correlate to increased mortality. According to the...


TAVR: If Not Transfemoral, We Should Consider Transcaval Access

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) through transfemoral access has already proven its great benefits, but this access cannot be used in certain patients, and alternative accesses need to be considered for such cases. One of the most commonly used accesses is the transaxillary or transubclavian access (AX), which, however, is associated with more complications (especially...

Función de la mano luego del acceso radial distal, ¿es seguro?

KODRA Registry: Distal Radial Access as First Choice in Coronary Procedures

The first experiences with distal radial access (DRA) have revealed significant benefits compared against the transradial approach (TRA), showing reduced bleeding events and better puncture site occlusion rate. Even the spectrum of diseases treated with DRA has grown, and now includes chronic total occlusion (CTO) though 7Fr inductors, such as Terumo’s Glidesheath Slender. The aim...

Debemos tener en cuenta a la isquemia crítica de MM II en el TAVI

Percutaneous Access Closure in TAVR: Are Devices Similar?

One of the challenges that transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) continues to face is percutaneous access closure with percutaneous closure systems (PCS). However, several systems have been developed, either by plug—such as the MANTA system—or by suture (SU)—such as the ProStar and ProGlide systems. Both of these have been tested in different analyses, but to...

Desafíos pendientes con el acceso radial

TAVR: Vascular Access in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, 1-Year Outcomes

At present, the transfemoral access (TFA) is the preferred approach when it comes to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). However, 5 to10% of PAD patients present tortuous iliac anatomy and calcification, aortic aneurysms or prior peripheral intervention, which makes it impossible.  There are several alternatives to approach these patients: 1) TFA associated to peripheral PCI...

¿Se justifica utilizar filtro de protección distal en los puentes venosos?

Mortality and Bleeding in Access Site Choice: Systematic Review

In 1992, Kiemeneij performed the first transradial coronary procedure, following Campeau’s description of that access in 1989. It’s been 30 years since that milestone in interventional cardiology. Over time, the number of procedures conducted with this approach has increased exponentially, and it is the main approach in most centers in different clinical scenarios. Historically, the...

The Best of the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Main Arena: PCI by Radial Access

Angioplasty by transradial access was discussed during a session on Day 2. We were pleased to participate in a conference by Dr. Shigeru Saito on distal radial access.  Currently, complications associated with transfemoral access are well-established, so transradial access is suggested as the initial strategy in several guidelines of various associations.  However, Dr. Saito shared...
