Institutional News articles

Cooperation Agreement SCAI/SOLACI

This partnership brings some of the best SCAI has to offer to SOLACI members, with greater access to the top research published in CCI, even greater support for Fellows-in-training in Latin America, and provides for an even greater exchange of ideas and engagement between interventional leaders in Latin America with those from around the globe

Letter from the President 2013-2015

By Jamil Abdalla SaadSOLACI President.   Dear friends and colleagues,  With great honor, we assume the SOLACI presidency for 2013-2015. The commitment to exercising command on a continental society, succeeding three illustrious predecessors, is always a challenge and this time is renewed in observing Brazil. The governing board is completed by Ricardo Lluberas MD (Uruguay

Mobile app -New version-

SOLACI inmotion is the application for smartphones that allows you to have all news and current scientific presentations in your smarthphone. Continuous updates to stay current with the latest developments. Download the FREE app, available for Iphone and Android.phones.  Daily news  Every morning, receive the daily news and get full access to our updated innovations.  Special coverage  The

Cooperation Agreement SOLACI-CRF/TCT

On April 12, a five year cooperation agreement was signed in Sao Paulo (Brazil) between SOLACI and CRF/TCT. The agreement was signed by SOLACI President, Dr. Oscar Mendiz, SOLACI Vicepresident, Dr. Jamil Abdala Saad, and CRF/TCT Excecutive Director, Mr. Johnnie White. The agreement defines several areas of cooperation. Among others, an annual meeting “SOLACI in
