fractional flow reserve

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

The diagnostic performance of the iFR makes the FFR tremble

Despite the evidence, most stable patients continue to be managed based on coronary angiography and, worse, often without a prior non-invasive functional study. With the introduction of the FFR, we left the “anatomical” era for the “functional” era in the catheterization room, which has been proven to improve patients prognosis and, as if that were...

Nuevo dispositivo para medición del FFR permite cruzar la lesión con nuestra guía preferida

New FFR Measuring Device to Guide Coronary Revascularization with Our Preferred Wire

Measuring fractional flow reserve (FFR) with a 0.014 pressure wire is the standard to assess the functional significance of epicardial coronary artery stenosis. The use of FFR in the clinical practice lags despite strong supporting evidence. Some of the reasons behind this are technical aspects, like pressure wire handling limitations when assessing certain lesions, or how...


These were the 5 most read scientific articles of January

1) The 10 Commandments of ESC’s New STEMI Guidelines The authors have given an entertaining account of the most relevant points and differences between the new STEMI guidelines and the prior ones, from 2014. Read more  2) Burnout Syndrome among Cardiologists For the first time, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) has carried out a survey on this phenomenon,...

DEFINE FLAIR and IFR SWEDEHEART: Safety in Revascularization Based on FFR and iFR in Both Stable and ACS Patients

What Is the Long-Term Outcome of Lesions Deferred Using FFR/iFR?

The presence of inducible ischemia is an essential prerequisite to obtain clinical benefits from revascularization through angioplasty. In that sense, the measurement of fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the gold standard as regards invasive methods assessing the functional significance of epicardial artery stenosis. As opposed to FFR, the measurement of the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR)...

¿Podría el FFR ser reemplazado para la evaluación fisiológica de una lesión intermedia?

Physiologically Assessing Intermediate Stenosis: Could FFR Be Replaced?

Fractional flow reserve (FFR) and instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) are commonly used to assess physiological severity of angiographically intermediate stenosis. Both indexes quantify a pressure ratio as subrogate to measuring flow, which is much harder to do. Discordance between FFR and iFR occurs in up to 20% of cases, which should not be a matter...

iFR en lesiones no culpables: el momento de la medición parece cambiar la historia

iFR in Nonculprit Lesions: Measurement Timing May Change History

During primary angioplasty, it is not uncommon to see several other lesions in coronary arteries. Current guidelines advise against the treatment of these lesions in the same primary angioplasty procedure, although there is evidence supporting such a course of action that may warrant changes in these recommendations. The functional assessment of these nonculprit lesions may...

El FFR ahorra síntomas a los pacientes y costos a los financiadores de salud

Patients and Healthcare Providers Benefit from Less Symptoms and Lower Costs with FFR

Previous studies in which revascularization was guided by angiography alone found that coronary angioplasty does not improve outcomes compared with optimal medical treatment in patients with chronic stable angina. The FAME 2 trial (Fractional Flow Reserve Versus Angiography for Multivessel Evaluation) compared angioplasty guided by fractional flow reserve (FFR) with optimal medical treatment, arriving to...

FFR no invasivo: la tomografía evoluciona de la anatomía a lo funcional

Non-Invasive FFR: CT Evolves from Anatomical to Functional

In the US, more than 4 million patients with chronic stable angina are looking to rule out heart disease. Most undergo functional diagnostic studies that might lead to invasive coronary angiography followed by revascularization. CT has become an alternative diagnostic tool thanks to its precision to rule out heart disease (negative predictive value between 97...

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: el efecto placebo de la angioplastia

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: The Placebo Effect of Angioplasty

Courtesy of the SBHCI. Chronic stable angina and severe coronary lesion patients who undergo angioplasty in a single vessel show no better outcomes than individuals who undergo a placebo sham procedure when it comes to exercise capacity and symptoms, according to this study presented at TCT and published simultaneously in the Lancet. The curious results...
