

Coronary Artery Disease in TAVR: Unsolved Dilemma

Aortic stenosis shares risk factors with coronary artery disease (CAD), and its prevalence varies according to age, reaching approximately 50% or more in some registries. Deciding when to treat and the need for percutaneous intervention presents a challenge. It has been established that epicardial stenosis at proximal level, or the medial segment, requires intervention, especially...

apixaban en fibrilacion auricular tavi

Use of Apixaban and Post TAVR Valve Thrombosis

TAVR can be associated to early valve thrombosis, characterized by thrombi formation near or attached to the prosthetic valve, with or without valve dysfunction. This dysfunction is associated with increased leaf thickening and reduced leaflet motion, as well as reduced orifice area or increased transvalvular gradient. Triggered multislice CT allows dynamic valve assessment and thrombosis...

Nuevo dispositivo para tener mayor protección en la angioplastia carotídea

Carotid Stenosis and TAVR

Aortic Stenosis affects over 5% of the population over 65.  Even though TAVR has advanced in the treatment of this disease, many patients present carotid aortic stenosis (CAS), which involves additional surgical risk. This risk has not been thoroughly assessed in the context of TAVR.  A meta-analysis was carried out including 5 observational studies with...

Sistema EVOQUE: reemplazo tricuspídeo transcatéter, resultados al año

TAVR: High Implantation of Self-Expanding Valves Directly Impacts ECG

TAVR has been shown beneficial, especially in high risk or inoperable patients. However, there are limitations to its use, especially with self-expanding valves, which are the need for pacemaker implantation and ECG changes after procedure.  To address this matter, researchers assessed the right and left cusp overlap effect on 254 patients undergoing TAVR with self-expanding...

Luz roja para el TAVI en pacientes de bajo riesgo

MYVAL, a TAVR Balloon-Expandable Valve with Promising Results

TAVR has been shown beneficial over time, and with the development of new generation of prosthetic valves and implantation techniques, outcomes have been improved, reducing the incidence of leaks y and the need for definite pacemaker.  This study looked at the evolution of 100 patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis treated with Myval THV from Meril...

La clave para tratar strokes: saber cuando detenerse

Predictors of Stroke at 30 Days and 6 Months After TAVR

While the rate of stroke has decreased since the early days of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), it remains non-negligible, reaching up to 1%-3% at 30 days. As TAVR progressively expands to low-risk populations and younger patients, identifying risk factors for patient selection and management in stroke prevention becomes crucial. While researchers have identified predictors...

Debemos tener en cuenta a la isquemia crítica de MM II en el TAVI

Low Gradient, Normal Flow Aortic Stenosis: Changes in Quality of Life with TAVR

There is no question as regards the recommended treatment for symptomatic severe aortic stenosis, seeing as both transcatheter and surgical aortic valve replacement (TAVR and SAVR) have shown to significantly improve prognosis. This is despite the fact that there is still certain ambiguity around its characterization, which looks to define it according to hemodynamic severity...

La clave para tratar strokes: saber cuando detenerse

CAPTIS, a Novel Cerebral Embolic Protection System in TAVR

The incidence of stroke after TAVR ranges between 2 and 5%, depending on the series, which has been associated with higher morbimortality, affecting patient quality of life and their psycho-social environment.  Many cerebral embolic protection systems have been developed in response, and even though they have been shown beneficial in many studies, their role in...

Efectos de la radiación cerebral en Cardiólogos Intervencionistas

Cerebral Embolic Protection Devices: How Useful are they in TAVR?

During TAVR, we often fear the possibility of a stroke, which occurs in approximately 1 – 2% of cases.  In general, this phenomenon is caused by thrombi stemming from atherosclerotic or calcified plaque, depending on the etiology. Even though its incidence has declined with technology development and the increasing expertise of operators, it is still...

Endocarditis infecciosa post TAVI

Is TAVR Beneficial in Cardiogenic Shock?

The presence of cardiogenic shock (CS) in a setting of aortic stenosis ranges from 1% to 4%. The prognosis for this scenario is ominous due to subendocardial ischemia, which presents as a decrease in ventricular preload and an increase in afterload. Aortic valvuloplasty has been used in this context, but, unfortunately, it has been associated...
