Cooperation Agreement SOLACI-CRF/TCT

On April 12, a five year cooperation agreement was signed in Sao Paulo (Brazil) between SOLACI and CRF/TCT. The agreement was signed by SOLACI President, Dr. Oscar Mendiz, SOLACI Vicepresident, Dr. Jamil Abdala Saad, and CRF/TCT Excecutive Director, Mr. Johnnie White. The agreement defines several areas of cooperation. Among others, an annual meeting “SOLACI in...

Current hemodialysis patients show similar results for sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel

Original title: Drug-eluting stents in patients on chronic haemodialysis: Paclitaxel-eluting stents vs. limus –eluting stents Reference: Gabriel l. Sardi, et al. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Mar;15(2):86-91. End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) including renal failure on hemodialysis is associated with coronary heart disease and diabetes with subsequent need for revascularization that in this special population has a high...

Allen’s test may not be necessary to select patients eligible for radial access

Original title: Trans-Radial Coronary Catheterization and Intervention Across the Whole Spectrum of Allen’s test Results. Reference: Marco Valgimigli et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014. Epub ahead of print.   Radial access is associated with a chance of occlusion of the vessel in between 0.8 % and 30 % according to different series. Given this fact, the Allen...

The first portable and intelligent heart monitor has been developed

The device, which should reach the market this year with the name Nexcor, was developed by a group of specialists in Brazil is the first smart portable heart monitor in the world, which allows remote sending electrocardiograms, ocation of the patient for assistance and early detection heart problems.  This device automatically detects earliest variations of...

Erectile dysfunction is associated to cardiovascular disease

The risk of future cardiovascular disease and death increases with the severity of erectile dysfunction in men with and without a history of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in ‘Plos Medicine’. Severe erectile dysfunction directly correlates with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and hospitalization for all cause mortality. Men with no known history...

The ambulance is the best way to get to the hospital in case of an infraction

Only 16 per cent of patients suffering a myocardial infarction call 911 for help, stated the experts of the Semicyuc: the Spanish Medical Society of ICU (Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias), at the ARIAM study presentation. This study branched out of a three month registry of 2,051 MI patients. From these data...

What can we do to improve our cardiovascular health?

Among the things we do to take care of our health are: . Regular exercise: ideally, we should practice sports for 20 minutes, three days a week. Any activity serves well, as long as it adjusts to age, physical condition and cardiovascular situation. Regular exercise produces endorphins, which improve your mood and cause euphoria and...

What is an angioplasty?

An angioplasty is a procedure performed to improve blood flow in the body’s arteries and veins. In an angioplasty procedure, imaging techniques are used to guide a balloon tipped catheter (a very thin tube) into an artery or a vein and advance it to where the vessel is blocked or narrowed. The balloon is then...

Warning against cardiovascular risk of Diclofenac 

Diclofenac is the most popular of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) in 15 countries, according to studies, and it is listed as an essential medicine in 74 middle and high income countries, despite its association to heart attack and stroke in vulnerable patients, alerts a study published in PLoS Medicine manazine.  This risk, claim the authors,...

Deaths by cardiovascular disease drop less than expected

Death caused by cardiovascular disease still strikes hard in Argentina. During the last decade, mortality rates from cardiovascular conditions, including infarction, stroke, hypertension and arrhythmia, dropped a mere 6%, according to the registry of vital statistics of de National Health Ministry. In the previous decade, this rate was lower: it had reduced 22%. This difference...
