Impacto clínico de la regurgitación paravalvular post TAVI

Clinical Impact of Paravalvular Regurgitation After TAVR

Clinical Impact of Paravalvular Regurgitation After TAVR. Presenters: -Fernando Cura (Argentina).  -Gabriel Maluenda (Chile). This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave...

Intervenciones percutáneas post-TAVI

Percutaneous Interventions After TAVR.

Percutaneous Interventions After TAVR. Presenters: -Dr. Matías Stejfman. -Dr. Gabriel Maluenda. This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts,...

Tavi como procedimiento minimalista

TAVR as a Minimalist Procedure

TAVR as a Minimalist Procedure. Presenters: Dr. Paulo Caramori, Brasil.  Dr. Luis Gutierrez Jaikel. This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion....

TAVI en insuficiencia aórtica pura, nuevos dispositivos con nuevos resultados

TAVR in Pure Aortic Regurgitation: New Devices, New Outcomes

Pure aortic regurgitation has historically been considered a contraindication for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) due to the absence of calcification and subsequent device anchoring problems it poses. Initial reports on first-generation self-expanding valves for the treatment of pure regurgitation were somewhat discouraging, but devices evolved, adding repositioning capacity, different external skirts (pericardial, PET, urethane,...

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: el efecto placebo de la angioplastia

TCT 2017 | ORBITA: The Placebo Effect of Angioplasty

Courtesy of the SBHCI. Chronic stable angina and severe coronary lesion patients who undergo angioplasty in a single vessel show no better outcomes than individuals who undergo a placebo sham procedure when it comes to exercise capacity and symptoms, according to this study presented at TCT and published simultaneously in the Lancet. The curious results...


Complex coronary angioplasty in octogenarian

Location: Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Laranjeiras. Operators: Sérgio Leandro, Luiz Kohn. Chairpersons:  Maria de Lourdes Montedonio Santos, Breno Oliveira Almeida. Panelists: Sérgio Martins Leandro, Rodrigo de Franco Cardoso, Alexandre Damiani Azmus, Leandro Lasave, Omar Santaera, Oscar Mendiz. Broadcasted on June 9th, 2016 by TBR Productions.

solaci caci 2017

SOLACI-CACI 2017: Why Should You Come?

Dr. Omar Santaera, treasurer of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI), talks with Dr. Rubén Piraino, president of SOLACI-CACI 2017, and Dr. Alejandro Cherro, president of the Argentine College of Interventional Cardioangiologists (CACI) about the next congress of interventional cardiology organized by SOLACI and CACI. The congress will be held on August 2 to 4,...

TAVR en estenosis aórtica con LOTUS

TAVR in Aortic Valve Stenosis with LOTUS

Operators: Alexandre Abizaid, Dimytri Siqueira, David Lebihan. Chairpersons: Martin Leon, José Eduardo Morais Rego Sousa. Panelists: José Armando Mangione, Josep Rodés Cabau, Fabio Sândoli de Brito Jr, Dimytri Alexandre de Alvim Siqueira, Eberhard Grube, Henrique Barbosa Ribeiro, Hugo Francisco Londero. Broadcasted on June 9th, 2016 by TBR Productions.

implante de valvula melody bioprotesis

Implant of the Melody Valve in Bioprosthesis

Operators: Carlos Pedra, Rodrigo Costa. Chairpersons:  Alejandro Peirone, Luiz Alberto Christiani . Debaters:  Luiz Carlos Giuliano, Celia Maria Camelo Silva, Fábio Bergman, Jean Marcelo Ferreira da Silva, Daniel Aguirre, Marcelo Rivarola, German Henestrosa. Broadcasted on June 9, 2016 by TBR Productions.
