Oclusión de canal arterial amplio en adulto con dispositivo Occlutech

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Occlusion using the Occlutech Device

  Congenital Case broadcasted by TBR Productions during SOLACI-SBHCI’ 16. Operators: Renata Mattos, Luiz Carlos Simões, Vitor Hugo. Chairpersons: Luiz Alberto Christiani, Roberto Max Lopes. Debators: Pedro Augusto Abujamra, Fabio Augusto Selig, Adriano Dias Dourado Oliveira, Salvador Andre Bavaresco Cristovão, Marco Antonio Perin, Mauricio Jaramillo Hincapie, Fabricio Leite.

reducir costos ffr inducido por contraste

Contrast Induced FFR: Cost and Time Effective Alternative

Courtesy of Dr. Guillermo Migliaro.   Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the radio of two flows expressed as the ratio of two pressures ─ distal pressure across stenosis (Pd) to aortic pressure (pa) ─ obtained only under maximal coronary hyperemia, which is a state of drug induced maximal vasodilation.   The gold standard to create...

dispositivos lotus y watchman

Live Case from Columbia University: Lotus and Watchman Devices

  Operators: Dr. Robert Sommer, Dr. Susheel Kodali. Chairpersons: Martin Leon, José Eduardo Morais Rego Sousa. Panelists: José Armando Mangione, Josep Rodés Cabau, Fabio Sândoli de Brito Jr., Dimytri Alexandre de Alvim Siqueira, Eberhard Grube, Henrique Barbosa Ribeiro, Hugo Francisco Londero.

intervención mínimamente invasiva tavi

TAVI Minimalist Approach

  Location: Aloysio de Castro State Cardiology Institute – (IECAC). Operators: Edgard Quintella, Carlos Cardoso and Alexandre Fuks. Chairpersons: Luiz Antonio Ferreira Carvalho and Paulo Caramori. Panelists: Edgard Freitas Quintella, Deborah Christina Nercolini, Antenor Lages Fortes Portela, Luis Ramon Virgen Carrillo and Gustavo Vignolo.

Percutaneous coronary intervention

Live Case broadcasted  on June 9, 2016 by TBR productions of New York to Rio de Janeiro, from Columbia University. Doctors: Dimitri Karmpaliots y Jeffrey Moses. Panelists: Alexandre Antonio Cunha Abizaid – BRAZIL, Amanda Guerra Moraes Rego Sousa – BRAZIL Panelists – Fausto Feres – BRAZIL, Costantino Roberto Frack Costantini – BRAZIL, Adriano Mendes Caixeta – BRAZIL, José...

casos en vivo solaci 2016

TAVI with Evolut R device in low risk patients

Live Case Broadcasted by TBR Productions from Toulouse, France to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where took place the SOLACI-SBHCI 2016 Congress. Panelists: Rafael Cavalcante e Silva – BRAZIL, Patrick W. Serruys – UK, Samir Kapadia – USA, Jorge Atilio Belardi – ARGENTINA.

SCAI Releases Expert Consensus for Cardio-Oncology Patients Treated in Cardiac Catherization Labs

The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) has released an expert consensus statement providing cardiologists, oncologists and internal medicine physicians guidance for treating patients facing concomitant cardiovascular disease and cancer. The document, “SCAI Expert Consensus Statement: Evaluation, Management, and Special Considerations of Cardio-Oncology Patients in the Cardiac Catherization Laboratory,” was released in Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (CCI),...

Presentación SOLACI-SBHCI 2016

Presentación del Congreso SOLACI-SBHCI 2016, que se realizará del 8 al 10 de junio de 2016 en el Hotel Windsor Oceânico de Barra da Tijuca, Brasil
