renal denervation

Deterioro de la función renal: ¿Cómo impacta en la ATC y en la CRM?

Renal Impairment: How Does It Affect Angioplasty and Surgery?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. The incidence of kidney disease is increasing. In its final stage, this pathology is related with coronary disease and increased mortality. Furthermore, we know that, in many occasions, it is associated with diabetes. Nowadays, the evidence comparing the progress of patients with impaired kidney function who have undergone left main...

¿Cómo afecta el implante de endoprótesis a la función renal?

How Is Renal Function Affected by Endoprosthesis Implantation?

The occurrence of renal failure after any endovascular intervention is associated with increased morbility and mortality. After a coronary intervention (whether it be angioplasty or surgery), renal failure increases mortality 20-fold. Relatedly, surgical repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm with renal failure is also associated with a significant increase in the number of events. Read...

Safety and efficacy of a new multi-electrode device for simultaneous renal ablation

This study aimed to establish the safety and effectiveness of renal denervation using the new multielectrode device (EnligHTN) that allows simultaneous ablation of the entire renal artery. 39 patients with resistant hypertension to multiple drugs were included. Procedure was successfully performed in all patients, and no serious adverse events were observed. At 6 months, a...

12/07 – SOLACI-Medtronic Webinar: the Turning Point in the Treatment of HTN

SOLACI and Medtronic invite you to participate in a new free virtual event, this time on “Turning Point in the Treatment of HTN”, with the presence of prominent international faculties: Dr. Alejandro Sánchez, Dr. Alejandro Ricalde and Dr. Ricardo Coast. During the event, emphasis will be placed on renal denervation. The event is open and...

13th ProEducar Fellows Course

See the Presentations of the 13th ProEducar Fellows Course

  During SOLACI-SBHCI 2023, our traditional education program for young interventionists ProEducar Fellows Course was held.  Discover the presentations of the prestigious interventionists that made part of this 13th edition here below.  Dr. Gustavo Vignolo (UY) – “Trigger: STEMI learning clinical case” PRESENTATION Dr. Roger Renault Godinho (BRA) – “Why and how should I use Radial access? Step by Step” PRESENTATION...

Seguridad de combinar los nuevos anticoagulantes y la doble antiagregación

Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism: When Anticoagulation Alone May Not Be Enough

In recent times, pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) has been the subject of growing research due to its persistent impact on morbidity and mortality. Acute PTE, if not properly treated or inadequately treated, can lead to a debilitating condition known as post-PTE syndrome, which has been documented in nearly 50% of survivors. The primary treatment strategy for...

TCT 2022

SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial. Evolution at 3 Years

The SYMPLICITY 3-year outcomes are out. Bear in mind this is the largest study we have had so far.  It included 535 patients. 364 received renal denervation (RDN) and 171 went to the control group.  At 36-month followup, 101 patients crossed over.  The procedure was safe at 36 months, both for patients receiving it at...

TCT 2022

TCT 2022 | RADIANCE II Pivotal Trial

Renal denervation has been developed to treat blood hypertension. Even though at present is still not common, with the development of new technology and improved technique, its results are promising.  The RADIANCE II Pivotal included 224 patients. 150 received renal denervation with ultrasound (uRDN) and 74 went to the control group. Efficacy primary end point...

¿Se debe tener en cuenta el género para revascularizar el tronco?

Gender Differences and 10-Year Prognosis in STEMI

Coronary artery disease in women usually develops 10 years later than in men, and some evidence suggests women have higher mortality, especially when it comes to ST elevation MI (STEMI). Registries have shown higher mortality both in hospital and at one year follow up.  In part, this difference is observed because of the gap in...


RADIANCE-HTN SOLO: Control Durability of BP

In patients with hard-to-control high blood pressure (HBP), both non-pharmacological treatment and lifestyle changes have been useful to improve its control. Renal denevartion (RDN) was assessed as part of this complementary treatment, since some research has shown that this alternative decreases blood pressure (BP) values in different groups treated with either radiofrequency or ultrasound (uRDN)....
