quality of life

Nuevas guías de valvulopatías con actualizaciones clave en TAVI e insuficiencia mitral

TAVR in Asymptomatic or Minimally Symptomatic Patients: 30-Day Results

Aortic valve replacement (AVR) is recommended for symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS), while close monitoring is the advised strategy for asymptomatic patients, unless they have elevated aortic gradients, reduced ejection fraction, or abnormal stress tests. However, the optimal timing for AVR remains uncertain, especially in light of recent evidence suggesting that AS patients showing signs of...

Resultados alentadores en la válvula mitral percutánea en los pacientes complejos

MITRAL Trial, Results at 5 Years

Repeat mitral valve repair has been associated with increased mortality. Transcatheter mitral valve repair has surged as an alternative for patients treated with mitral valve-in-valve (MViV), valve-in-ring (MViR), or valve-in-mitral for annular calcification (ViMAC). Current data from the VIVID and the MAC Global Registry on 30-day evolution in these 3 scenarios show 7.4%, 11.4% and...

La insuficiencia renal post tratamiento borde a borde tricuspídeo impacta en el pronóstico

TriClip: Good Outcomes After a 2-Year Follow-up

Severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is an underestimated condition in healthcare systems. However, it is more common than believed, especially in individuals over 65 years of age.  This condition is linked to hospitalizations due to heart failure, mortality rates, and a progressive decline in quality of life.  Surgery to treat TR on its own is complicated,...

La insuficiencia renal post tratamiento borde a borde tricuspídeo impacta en el pronóstico

TRILUMINATE Two Years In: Encouraging Results

Tricuspid valve regurgitation is more common than one might think. It often stems from left valve disease and associated with increased mortality and hospitalization due to heart failure, which is not easy to treat. Currently, guidelines list surgery as the recommended treatment, though this option is quite complex and might entail complications and mortality risk....

Anillos aórticos pequeños, ¿Qué válvula deberíamos elegir?

TAVI-in-TAVI with Balloon-Expandable Valves

TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) has proven to be beneficial and is currently performed in increasingly younger and lower-risk patients. However, as with surgical bioprostheses, structural deterioration, whether due to stenosis or regurgitation, is one of the challenges we must address.  While currently uncommon, this is an issue we will probably see more and more...

Relación entre calidad del vaso distal y resultados en tratamiento percutáneo de las oclusiones totales crónicas

What to Do in Cases of AMI with Multivessel Disease

The presence of lesions in multiple vessels is common in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). It has been shown that, when they are treated in a second procedure, patients have a better outcome.  To date, there is limited information available on percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in vessels with severe non-culprit lesions during primary angioplasty....

La insuficiencia renal post tratamiento borde a borde tricuspídeo impacta en el pronóstico

bRight: Impact and Safety of the TriClip Device in a Real-World Cohort

The clinical importance of severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) has been underestimated for many years now. However, studies and registries have shown that, when left untreated, this pathology significantly increases morbidity and mortality. Patients in need of treatment are often older individuals with higher surgical risk due to the prevalence of this condition. Contemporary data has...

SOLACI Research Registries were presented at the SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress

The area of records within SOLACI – SOLACI Research – continues to grow and share the results of its investigations with the entire Latin American interventional community. In this case, a dedicated session was held during the SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress to present the data from the SOLACI records and to discuss the challenges of carrying...

Relación entre calidad del vaso distal y resultados en tratamiento percutáneo de las oclusiones totales crónicas

EuroCTO: Safety and Benefit at 3 Years

Chronic total occlusions (CTOs) account for approximately 15-20% of patients with stable coronary artery disease. This field has seen various advances regarding treatment, leading to an improvement in the success rate of procedures. According to registries and randomized studies, the main indication for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of CTO should be based more on clinical...
